Nov 19, 2013 by

B: The first settlers come into that country. D: The Hamricks?
B: Mm-hmm
D: ‘N the Hammonses?
B:Yessir, ‘n they was some uh them Robertses come there too, Grandpa Roberts ‘n them; and now that’s about the first settlers come in this country. It was just a wilderness, all this whole country, and that ‘uz my great grandpa, they moved over here next to Webster Springs. Well, now you know whether it wasn’t scarce or not, the powder and the lead wasn’t scarce. When they’d kill, they’d shoot at the deer, they’d wait till the deer got behind, between them and the tree, and then shoot the deer, and the bullet ‘d go and cut it out And they said the animals was s’ thick, over there next to that point mountain you know where that spring is, that sulfur spring that’s a, well that sulfur spring there; they lived right close to that sulfur spring there, right close there, and they said of a night that you couldn’t sleep for the animals coming off there to that spring–the elks and the deer and all kind uh animals, they said that ever you could hear, all kind uh noise that you ever wanted to hear a’comin off that hill, they said they’d come off uh that hill a fightin’ an bellerin’ and ever’thing else comin’ off there to that spring, you know, that salt water, they’d drink that, drink that salt and , and she said that they’d put in all night till just before daylight and then she said they started back along, on the mountain, and she said, oh gosh, she said, said they had to keep their hogs in log, in big log pens, notch ’em down, so the bears ‘n’ panthers ‘n’ stuff couldn’t get to ’em; that ‘s the only way they could keep a hog er anything, they’d just come right to the house…!!!
M: De-wight, do you like berry dumplings?

Notes: The name of the town Webster Springs went through some changes over time, becoming Addison, Elk Lick, Fort Lick, before changing back to Webster Springs. The Hammons and Roberts were in Kentucky when it was the American Frontier in the mid 1700s, and just before the Civil War they left Kentucky and followed the waterways which led North-East into Webster County, West Virginia, where they first settled near Webster Springs. From there, they moved due East along the Williams River, which brought them into the Yew Pine Mountains, where they remained. Since there were no roads, the easiest routes to follow were the rivers and creeks. There were also animal paths that led away from the water and off into the forests which could be tracked. Animals will invariably choose the best routes for travelling in a particular location.

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