Nov 19, 2013 by

B: Turkeys?
D: Huh?
B: After the turkeys? D: Yeah.
B: Well, I had a bunch of turkeys over there on . . .well, I lived up there on the hill where Sherman owns now. I lived.. So I thought it was gettin’ about time of tha year y’know to gather m’ turkeys in t’ sell ’em y’ know. Put ’em up, and uh I saw one, well, kinda in the moonlight. I saw them go around, saw them turkeys. It was about a mile from the house. And . . . I went around, I didn’ take no gun with me, I dunno how come I didn’ take the gun, but I didn’ take the gun that time. It uz foggy, an’ I got out in that big side field, and then there’s woods that just, the fence went right around there . . . And when I got out there I could, the fog would go off once in awhile y’ know, you could see through the field and I didn’t see the turkeys nowhere. Well I think they was down side of the hill, down under the hill there’s a big woods and beech timber and stuff down there. Well I started down over in them woods y’ know, and the fog would blow ever’ once in awhile, you couldn’ see nary a bit, you’d have to wait. You couldn’ see nary a bit, just blow just as thick and then it’d blow off direc’ly. I went out the flat an just where you turn over the hill an’ I heared somethin’ direc’ly. Away down over in there I heared it, and I thought it uz a turkey at first. So I walked a little furder inside it, an’ I heared it was somethin’ comin’ clos’ner, I heared, it didn’ go like a turkey, that time. It was some other kind of a noise. And I heared it was comin’ right up toward me, right up the hill. I just went for the . . . oh, I was maybe thirty or forty steps from where you turn over the hill. I jus’ stopped there, I don’ know why I didn’ go on out, but I didn’. I jus’ stopped, right there, and jus’ stood there. And the next time boys, it wuz a gittin’, now it wuz a gittin’ clost, an’ that was th’ awfullest noise that ever I’ve heared any kind of animal make in my life. I never did hear an animal since that day even like it. An’ I stood stiff jus’ fer the . . . , an’ the
next time, it uz jus’ right at the top upon that flat, an’ I got outta there. The fog jus’ come on, an’ you talk a feller gettin’ outta there, now I did, because it’s sump’n’ that I had never heared before. Now I dunno what it was I don’ know, I’ll never know what that was. An’ Aint Dice Cogar was up, an’ she tol’ me what kind of a noise that made, an’ boys, now hit sounded jus’ like the same noise that thing made. An’ hit was a big coarse noise hit was a makin’. Now I got out of the . . .
D: What’d she, what was she talkin’ about?
B: She said hit was one a them gorillas just as shore as . . . D: One a them yay-hoes?
B: Huh?
D: One a them yay-hoes?
B: Yessir, that’s what she said it was. Now she wadn’, now she wadn’ much afraid, ol’ Aint Dice wasn’t; she went up that Williams River a ‘sangin’. Go up that Williams, she’d go a way up that Williams River ya know by herself. An’ now you couldn’, boys she wouldn’ go back without somebody with her, anymore.
D: Is that right?
B: She swore hit was somethin’, she didn’ know what it was. Said she had never heared nothin’ like that. She said one a them yay-hoes. I dunno what it was, now boys, that was sumthin’ that I don’ know what it was. I’ve never heared a noise like that since. Never did hyear, an’ I can tell you purt near what any kind of animal is in the woods when I hear it. I never did hear nothin’ make a noise like that. An’ hit was a comin’, now I mean it was a comin’ to me, whatever it was I dunno whether it knowed I was there or not, it was comin’ to me.

Notes: “now she wadn’ much afraid, ol’ Aint Dice wasn’t” is an understatement referring to Aunt Dice’s (b 1858) complete lack of fear of going out into the mountains alone. Several years after Aunt Dice had this encounter up the headwaters of the William River, she had gone to see the circus. It was brought yearly to Webster Springs which was on the main railroad line. This is normally how a circus would travel from town to town, but when the villages were close enough the elephants would be walked. Aunt Dice once saw a gorilla in a cage on a railroad car, and immediately pronounced it to be what she had crossed paths with while ‘sangin’ that day.

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